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Biomass Enhancement

poppies and wildflowersWe can assist you to invest in projects that generate revenues through the sale of ‘biodiversity units’ to property and infrastructure developers seeking to satisfy Biodiversity Net Gain (“BNG”) policy requirements in England. The BNG legislation requires all new planning applications to offset the impact on biodiversity of a proposed development and deliver an additional minimum 10% biodiversity gain, calculated by applying the Statutory Biodiversity Metric developed by Defra.

Our expertise covers the design, implementation, and management of projects that support BNG compliance while contributing to a healthier environment. We can help you establish biodiverse habitats such as planting native trees and hedgerows, creating wildflower meadows, restoring wetlands, and enhancing degraded ecosystems. By investing in these nature-positive projects, you will not only generate revenue but also play a pivotal role in restoring biodiversity, improving climate resilience, and supporting sustainable development.

Additionally, we offer guidance on navigating the BNG requirements, from selecting the most suitable projects to maximising the ecological and financial returns on your investment. 

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